
Uutiskirjearkisto > Uutiskirje 1/2015

Kysely suomalaisille opettajille thaimaalaiselta Tanyakarnilta

Thaimaalainen Tanyakarn Yentrakulchai vieraili kollegoidensa kanssa Suomessa tutustumassa suomalaiseen koululaitokseen. Nyt hän toivoisi suomalaisten peruskoulu- ja lukio-opettajien vastaavan kyselyyn, jossa hän kartoittaa suomalaisten opettajien näkemyksiä koulutuksesta. Auta Tanyakarnia käyttämällä hetki aikaasi kyselyyn vastaamiseen! Linkki kyselyyn: http://goo.gl/forms/gsLfJAHUc2 Vastauksia toivotaan 28.2.2015 mennessä.

Tanyakarn YuentrakulchaiMy name is Tanyakarn Yuentrakulchai and I am an academic officer at The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) in Thailand. IPST offered me the opportunity to visit Finland for a 6-week internship consisting of one week in Helsinki and five weeks at the University of Oulu. I have recently completed my internship and would like to share my impressions.

Finnish education is considered to be one of the best based on international research. This success has caught the attention of the world, including IPST as the organization responsible for curriculum development in science and mathematics in Thailand. The Finnish curriculum is concerned with supporting the balanced development of every child in order to develop the competencies needed for work or entrepreneurship to build a sustainable future.

During my internship, I met with many experts from the University of Oulu and other educational institutions in the area. I was able to have in-depth discussions on the topics relevant to my research. I was also able to observe the work of teachers in Finnish schools, as well as the training of future teachers in the Teacher Training Programme of the University. My personal conclusion from these experiences was that high quality teacher education was a key success factor in Finnish education. This is the reason why I developed the present questionnaire.

The main aim of the questionnaire is to gather information directly from Finnish teachers about their views concerning specific aspects of Finnish education. The answers I receive will help me to determine what is important in educational development.

I sincerely hope that you will support my work by taking part in this survey, as this will help me to develop a more complete picture of Finnish education. Your responses will be confidential. To go to the questionnaire, please click the following link:


Please let me have your answers by 28 Feb 2015.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me directly at:  


Last but not least, I would like to thank IPST for giving me this wonderful opportunity, and the University of Oulu, including the Extension School, for their support throughout my stay.

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